miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2018


A Day in the Life

Participate in the farm life on the hacienda. Help harvest and plant crops, pick from the fruit plantations, and cut a fresh head of bananas. Take part in the life of an Ecuadorian cowboy. Milk the cows, pet the llamas, ride the donkeys, and experience a real cattle drive.

Horseback Riding.

The hacienda owns a stable with over 10 horses and 2 donkeys. Riders from all levels of experience will be able to find their equestrian match. Horseback riding trails are along the lush valleys and riverbeds. Lessons are available for beginners.


Mountain Trails

There are numerous hiking and mountain biking trails throughout the area, some which end in spectacular waterfalls. Local guides lead each trip and indicate notable plant and animal species. Trails are appropriate for all degrees of fitness.

Autoferro Train Ride
The Autoferro train leaves Primer Paso every afternoon. A two-hour train ride through the rural areas of Imbabura will take you over bridges and through tunnels to the city of Ibarra. The Hacienda vehicle will pick you up and drive you back to the Hacienda. 

Whitewater Rafting

The white-water rafting excursions are contracted through the experienced Yacu Amu Rafting Company. Class III and Class IV rafting trips are offered in Rio gualchan and Rio Mira.
The trips are suitable for both beginners and experienced rafters and can run from forty minutes to three hours long.


Birdlife is prolific. Toucans, toucanets, parrots, and the bright orange Andean Cock-of-the-Rock are found on many jungle hikes.
Animals found in the area are the mantled howler monkeys, guatines, the Hoffman's two toed sloths, giant anteaters, and armadillos. Rivers are teeming with trout and catfish. Local fishing equipment can be provided.


The Morpho Eugenia Butterfly

Large varieties of butterflies can be found in and around the hacienda. Our most famous bright blue butterfly is the morpho Eugenia, with a wingspan of 5 inches (12.5 cm).



 Is located in the El Choco rainforest reserve. This is a great option for travelers looking to combine a trip to the Ecuadorian tropical forests with a hacienda experience. The hacienda is located three hours Northwest of Quito and one and a half hours Northwest of Otavalo. The same family has owned the hacienda for over 90 years.

The Ecolodge has large rooms, spacious suites, a gourmet restaurant, a pool and is part of a working horse and cattle ranch. Activities offered include horseback riding, guided jungle hikes, mountain biking, white-water rafting, and an autoferro train ride. Hotel guests can explore the lush tropical surroundings and the many waterfalls through various excursions or participate in daily farm activities such as cattle herding or milking the cows. The ecolodge maintains an eco-friendly atmosphere by promoting local conservation, reforestation and responsible travel.
El Choco cloud forest reserve has primary and secondary forests, and guests can hope to see a variety of tropical birds such as parrots and toucans. The lush forests surrounding the hacienda contain the largest amount of flora and fauna per square meter than anywhere else in the world. The tropical forests are abundant in endemic species, epiphytes and orchids. An additional bonus is the proximity to good white-water rafting: interested guests must request a rafting trip prior to arrival.

lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014



Hacienda Primavera is owned and operated by a husband and wife team. The hacienda has been in our family for over 90 years, and we take great pride in it. The ecolodge is located in the northwestern tropical montane forests of Ecuador. It lies northwest of Quito in El Choco national rainforest reserve. Daily low and high temperature readings are 18C / 68F and 24C / 80F. There are no significant seasonal temperature changes.   


Hacienda Primavera
Wilderness Ecolodge
Caserio La Primavera
One and a half hours from the city of Otavalo
Ecuador South America


From United States
dial +11 593 99 370 8571

From Europe 
dial +11 593 99 370 8571

From Within Ecuador:
dial 09 9308571 or 06 3011719

The ranch is in part primary and secondary jungle with stables full of horses, cattle, llamas, donkeys, goats, and pigs. The surrounding tropical cloud forest is rich in flora and fauna, and birdlife is prolific. The hacienda is at an elevation of 1,200 m (approximately 3,500 ft). The cloud forest is extremely lush, with a high biomass and an abundance of epiphytic orchids, bromeliads, ferns, and mosses. The tree canopy can reach between 25 and 30 m high, (75 to 90 ft high)

Indigenous tribes living near the ecolodge are historically called the Aguases. Archaeological findings in and around the hacienda date to more than 400 years old. The nearby villages are populated with montaneros, indigenous people with a visible Spanish colonial ancestry. Montaneros are the modern day cowboys, highly experienced in horses, ranching, and farming.