miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2018


A Day in the Life

Participate in the farm life on the hacienda. Help harvest and plant crops, pick from the fruit plantations, and cut a fresh head of bananas. Take part in the life of an Ecuadorian cowboy. Milk the cows, pet the llamas, ride the donkeys, and experience a real cattle drive.

Horseback Riding.

The hacienda owns a stable with over 10 horses and 2 donkeys. Riders from all levels of experience will be able to find their equestrian match. Horseback riding trails are along the lush valleys and riverbeds. Lessons are available for beginners.


Mountain Trails

There are numerous hiking and mountain biking trails throughout the area, some which end in spectacular waterfalls. Local guides lead each trip and indicate notable plant and animal species. Trails are appropriate for all degrees of fitness.

Autoferro Train Ride
The Autoferro train leaves Primer Paso every afternoon. A two-hour train ride through the rural areas of Imbabura will take you over bridges and through tunnels to the city of Ibarra. The Hacienda vehicle will pick you up and drive you back to the Hacienda. 

Whitewater Rafting

The white-water rafting excursions are contracted through the experienced Yacu Amu Rafting Company. Class III and Class IV rafting trips are offered in Rio gualchan and Rio Mira.
The trips are suitable for both beginners and experienced rafters and can run from forty minutes to three hours long.


Birdlife is prolific. Toucans, toucanets, parrots, and the bright orange Andean Cock-of-the-Rock are found on many jungle hikes.
Animals found in the area are the mantled howler monkeys, guatines, the Hoffman's two toed sloths, giant anteaters, and armadillos. Rivers are teeming with trout and catfish. Local fishing equipment can be provided.


The Morpho Eugenia Butterfly

Large varieties of butterflies can be found in and around the hacienda. Our most famous bright blue butterfly is the morpho Eugenia, with a wingspan of 5 inches (12.5 cm).

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